Week 32. Time is flying!
At our last visit, she weighed in at 4lbs 15 ounces. We have been told to expect an 8-9 pound baby.
Bump is moving a lot, but instead of sharp quick kicks like before, she seems to push out a lot and move more slowly. We think she’s running out of room. Some days I feel her head in my crotch and her heels in my ribs. We’re a tall family for the most part, so we are expecting a long legged child.
My parents came this weekend and they helped us pretty much finish up baby shopping. My mom isn’t very much of a shopper normally, but she seemed to enjoy it this time. She bought the rest of the cloth diapers that we needed and some other things. We are forever grateful to our super supportive family on both sides. Our parents have all really helped us out through this whole baby/immigration thing. We had a nice visit with my family.
Other than that, we’re just preparing everything for her arrival. I can’t believe how close we are to seeing her precious face! For now, we just have this
I can’t imagine how chubby those cheeks will be in 7 more weeks!